Turkey and Vegetables

411 in stock

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  • We’ll ship your favorite The Butcher's Dog products based on the schedule that you select. This way, you will never run out. You can change the schedule, pause, or cancel anytime.

Turkey and Vegetables

$32.50 or subscribe and save 7.5%

$32.50 or subscribe and save 7.5%

411 in stock

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  • We’ll ship your favorite The Butcher's Dog products based on the schedule that you select. This way, you will never run out. You can change the schedule, pause, or cancel anytime.

Turkey and Vegetables

$32.50 or subscribe and save 7.5%

SKU: M-TV Category:


The Turkey and Vegetables meals containing chunky Australian turkey meat and key vegetables to help dogs with optimum nutrition.

Turkey is an excellent source of protein and alternative for dogs who have sensitivities to chicken.

Each portion of free flow discs is an essential source of protein in your dog’s diet.